The NH CPP Provider Network is a thriving, reflective, committed group of clinicians that work together to increase accessibility to CPP for families and to support each other in working toward healing the impacts of multigenerational trauma.
When CPP May Help:
The New Hampshire Child-Parent Psychotherapy Provider Network is a collaborative network of Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) providers, trainers, and advocates. The NH CPP Network is housed by Center for Trauma-Responsive Practice Change which has been funded by the New Hampshire Children's Health Foundation, the State of NH DHHS Bureau of Children's Behavioral Health, and Connected Families NH. The project is led by Cassie Yackley, Psy.D., PLLC. The aim of the network is to connect young children and their caregivers to evidence-based intervention that addresses early exposure to adversity and trauma.
Project NETT (NH Early Childhood Trauma Treatment) is made possible through collaboration between Center for Trauma-Responsive Practice Change and Lamphrey Health with funding through SAMSHA (FY22 Infant and Early Childhood Program. DHHS. SAMHSA. Center for Mental Health Services (1H79SM086447-01)) .
The aim of Project NETT is to improve outcomes for children (birth to six years) diagnosed with (or at significant risk of developing) a serious emotional disturbance (SED), including children with a history of in-utero exposure to substances that may impact development, and those from marginalized immigrant and BIPOC communities. Project NETT will develop, maintain, and enhance infant and early childhood mental health intervention and treatment services. |